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Events & Community
Winter Preparation: 10 Things Building Managers Should do

October 30, 2014

Building Managers – get ready for winter! Check roofs and flashing – review to see what has been left on the roofs during the Calgary construction season. Look to see if any flashing has come loose during the warm weather months. Cladding – check to see that the cladding will withstand another winter blast.

Professional Development
The Property Manager and The License

September 25, 2014

Property management positions can be varied depending on the company and the services they provide to their clients. Sometimes we’re asked about when a property manager needs to be licensed. We checked in with the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) to find out more. Do property managers need to be licensed?

AwardsEvents & Community
BOMA Awards Recipient Profile: Aspen Property Management Ltd.

June 24, 2014

On Thursday May 8, BOMA Calgary hosted the 2014 TransCanada BOMA Excellence Awards. Over the next couple weeks we’ll check in with our recipients to find out what the award meant for their team! Dale Zawyrucha, General Manager, Aspen Property Management Ltd.

Events & CommunityProfessional Development
Collaborating for Preparedness

June 05, 2014

When there are major incidents, such as high winds and floods, BOMA is quick to address the concerns. Two recent examples of this proactive initiative is the collaborative leadership role assumed by BOMA to address the negative impacts of sudden high wind incidents.

AwardsEvents & Community
BOMA Awards Recipient Profile: Bentall Kennedy

June 03, 2014

On Thursday May 8, BOMA Calgary hosted the 2014 TransCanada BOMA Excellence Awards. Over the next couple weeks we’ll check in with our recipients to find out what the award meant for their team!

Standards Help to Build a Great City

June 02, 2014

BOMA members build cities. And Calgary is one of them. Buildings, however, in and of themselves, do not make a good city. It is people who give a city its heart and soul. One way BOMA contributes to the greatness of our city as a trade association is by facilitating the development of standards.

Events & Community
Navigating the New Normal

May 23, 2014

Are you prepared for the next disaster? This question has been at the forefront of priorities for building owners and managers for the past 11 months, since our City was hit by the worst flood in over half a century.

Events & Community
This is Excellence!

May 16, 2014

The 2014 TransCanada BOMA Excellence Awards were held Thursday, May 8th, honoring BOMA Calgary’s Top Performers in commercial real estate. The event was held at the Westin, with over 320 people attending.

BOMA BESt Healthcare

April 28, 2014

BOMA Canada is pleased to announce the development of its sixth BOMA BESt module – BOMA BESt Healthcare! The Healthcare Sector in Canada is committed to reducing its ecological impact while also providing visitors and patients with an environment that facilitates healing.