Building Managers – get ready for winter!
- Check roofs and flashing – review to see what has been left on the roofs during the Calgary construction season. Look to see if any flashing has come loose during the warm weather months.
- Cladding – check to see that the cladding will withstand another winter blast.
- Check to see if sidewalks have heaved, cracked, missing bricks; these could prove to be more of an issue with the freeze thaw cycle.
- Awnings and signage still secure.
- Outside water shut off and drained. Make sure drain will go back inside the building, even frost resistant equipment can freeze in Calgary winters. Check all heat tapes are working.
- Snow removal program in place. If contracted make sure this is in place. If in house, make sure equipment has been serviced, ice melt ordered, shovels and blowers ready.
- Generators – Make sure Diesel tanks are full.
- Winter wear and gear for staff and contract staff.
- Cooling systems – check freeze stats function, drain coils, and check that dampers are functioning.
- Boiler systems, increase pressures/ temperature. Entrance heaters turned on and working plug in any void heaters required and check for proper operation
And lastly, don’t forget to book your staff for the BOMA Christmas luncheon, and staff Christmas functions.