When there are major incidents, such as high winds and floods, BOMA is quick to address the concerns. Two recent examples of this proactive initiative is the collaborative leadership role assumed by BOMA to address the negative impacts of sudden high wind incidents. Working with regulatory agencies BOMA produced a set of guidelines for industry members to follow. The 2013 Recommended Practices in Health + Safety: A guide for Building Owners + Managers – Building Envelope Safety Supplement is the benchmark set of guidelines for buildings.
A second example, and this is fresh in our memories, is the flood of 2013. Many buildings were unprepared for this extraordinary event. And BOMA has responded through the recently released guidebook Is Your Building Ready? A Flood Preparedness Guide for Building Owners and Managers aimed at preventive and mitigating actions that can be taken by building owners in the event of another such incident. Publications such as these are valuable tools for building owners and operators to aid them in keeping building occupants comfortable, healthy and safe.
Our mission, among other things, is to undertake those initiatives that not only make our industry better, but moves our city forward to greatness. Looking at BOMA’s record of achievement, we and our industry certainly have done that.
This article segment first appeared in ‘Building a Great City’, in the June edition of the BOMA Calgary News in Business in Calgary Magazine.