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Radon: Three Things to know 2024

October 25, 2024

Since November is Radon Action Month, it seems appropriate to talk a bit about what’s currently happening in the industry. So, in no particular order, here are three quick things to know about radon in late 2024. 1.

How healthy is your building’s water? Perhaps not quite as healthy as you’d expect.

July 02, 2024

I often hear “Calgary doesn’t have drinking water problems” when talking to people about potable (drinking quality) water in Calgary buildings. Most often, it’s based on the perception that Calgary is too modern to manifest the water infrastructure problems of older cities. Unfortunately, that’s not entirely accurate.

The Bitter Aftertaste: Canada’s Single-Serve Coffee Pod Consumption and Executive Mat Service’s Green Thumb Coffee POD Program

June 13, 2024

Canada, a nation known for its stunning landscapes and environmental consciousness, is facing a not-so-sweet reality of its caffeine consumption. The country’s love for a quick coffee fix is contributing to an environmental challenge that, much like a poorly brewed cup, leaves a bitter aftertaste.


May 05, 2023

After a three-year hiatus, the BOMA Calgary Excellence awards came surging back in 2023. On May 4, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Calgary was thrilled to recognize industry leaders that work in commercial real estate.

City of Calgary Information Session: Climate Resilience and Stormwater Management

February 22, 2023

On February 8th, BOMA Calgary partnered with the City of Calgary to offer an information session on Climate Resilience and Stormwater Management. Our speakers Jillian Curley (Climate Adaptation Specialist, City of Calgary) and Bert van Duin (Drainage Technical Lead, City of Calgary) discussed stormwater management, Low Impact Development, and climate resilience.

Public Safety Workshop Series

February 10, 2023

BOMA Calgary is pleased to announce the launch of the BOMA Public Safety Series, a 3-part series of workshops designed to give you and your teams the tools to navigate the difficult situations you may encounter.

BOMA Calgary Downtown Safety Survey

February 10, 2023

BOMA Calgary’s Public Safety and Government Affairs Committees, with our partners at the Calgary Downtown Association, have started to collect data to support our ongoing advocacy to improve public safety in Calgary’s downtown.

Events & Community
2021 BOMA Golf Classic is Confirmed!

June 07, 2021

On behalf of the BOMA Calgary and the Golf Committee, we’re excited to announce that the BOMA Golf Classic at Kananaskis Country Golf Course is confirmed for September 9th, marking our first in-person event in 18 months!

BOMA Calgary Speaks to Key Decision Makers on Behalf of Our Industry

February 26, 2021

BOMA Calgary been off to a quick start in 2021 representing Calgary and Southern Alberta’s Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Industry as key decision makers look for input into their policy decisions for the upcoming year.

Organics 101

February 19, 2021

One of the criteria for a certified compostable product is that it must be fully composted within 90 days. Depending on the origin, compostable waste generated will go to one of two type of composting streams described herein.

BOMA Calgary highlights industry concerns with Stephen Avenue Revitalization Project

January 22, 2021

Since the fall of 2018, the City of Calgary has been in the process of reimagining what the future of Stephen Avenue holds.

OHS & Safety
Calgary’s Waste Diversion Bylaw and Site Visits

October 02, 2020

Since November 1, 2017, businesses and organizations in Calgary have been required to have waste diversion programs in place. Businesses and organizations in Calgary have the option to choose a service provider to collect their recycling, compost and garbage.