Fresh Talent
All resumes posted in our Career Centre remain live for 90 days.
Submit a Posting
If you are looking to pursue a career in the commercial real estate, leasing, property management, facilities management, or building operations, your resume may be posted to this site free of charge.
Please Note: Resumes hosted by BOMA Calgary are on the internet and available to the public.
Send us the posting in a MS Word or PDF file electronically or phone 403.237.0559 for more information. Once a resume is submitted for posting you grant BOMA Calgary permission to post your resume. After 90 days you may request to have it reposted, or it will be removed.
Resumes are submitted by individuals seeking careers in commercial real estate. BOMA Calgary has not interviewed these people, nor does it verify credentials. These actions are the responsibility of the person or firm doing the recruiting. This page is provided strictly as a vehicle to introduce prospective employers and employees.
BOMA Calgary and its agents make no warranty, implied or otherwise, through the placement of this information on its website. BOMA Calgary strongly urges all individuals to exercise care and due diligence in the use of any information obtained from this area of the website.