On Thursday May 8, BOMA Calgary hosted the 2014 TransCanada BOMA Excellence Awards.
Over the next couple weeks we’ll check in with our recipients to find out what the award meant for their team!
Rod Olsen, Director, Property Management, Bentall Kennedy (Canada) LP
Recipient of the Certificate of Excellence and The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) for Industrial Building or Park
BOMA (B): Why did you decide to submit for the Awards this year?
Rod (R): Bentall Kennedy manages a large portfolio of industrial buildings in Calgary. We have always been front runners in involving and promoting industrial properties within BOMA. We have won past awards at the local Calgary level and the national level for industrial properties. In addition we were the first Property Management firm in Calgary to have industrial properties obtain the BOMA Go Green category which is now the BOMA BESt program.
B: What benefit, if any, did you find going through the Awards process?
R: The main benefit is to put our best practices that we have instigated in our industrial portfolios forward to the judges and to determine if they are recognized and are worthy of awards when compared to our competition.
B: How has the winning in this category affected your team? Your clients or organization?
R: The winning of this category was as a result of a full team effort. It starts with the support of the building owner to approve the fees required to enter into the competition, the Property Manager to assemble all of the required information, our property administration staff assisting in drafting and putting the final touches to the presentation, and to our on-site building operations personnel and contractors to ensure the properties look their best at all times. By entering into a competition like this, it really pulls the “team” together, and is extremely satisfying when we obtain the Certificate of Excellence. Our owners/clients recognize the effort it takes to apply for such an award, and they are highly appreciative of our efforts.
B: What would you say to a company or team that is thinking of entering the Awards next year?
R: We believe that entering the Awards will put your policies and procedures as well as your best practices to the test. The property’s attributes will speak for itself; however it is how you as a manager maintain your property, capital planning implementation, and tenant relations that will really test you as an organization and how you will stack up against the completion.
Go here to find out more about the BOMA Calgary Awards.
-Submitted by the Communications Committee