Events & Community
2021 BOMA Golf Classic is Confirmed!
June 07, 2021
On behalf of the BOMA Calgary and the Golf Committee, we’re excited to announce that the BOMA Golf Classic at Kananaskis Country Golf Course is confirmed for September 9th, marking our first in-person event in 18 months!
Events & Community
This is Excellence!
May 16, 2014
The 2014 TransCanada BOMA Excellence Awards were held Thursday, May 8th, honoring BOMA Calgary’s Top Performers in commercial real estate. The event was held at the Westin, with over 320 people attending.
Events & Community
A BOMA Mixer
December 20, 2013
Networking events can be a great way to meet new contacts that have the potential to help you grow your business. Whether that comes in the form of referrals or direct business, every professional can benefit from attending these types of events.