What another beautiful day out on the ski hill for the annual BOMA ski trip! Two busses made their way from COP to Lake Louise on Friday, March 11th. The morning began with some coffee to wake us all up and some Baileys for extra flavor. The weather on the trip was the best yet. The sun was shining, it was about 6 degrees and the snow conditions were good. We all parted into our ski groups for the morning and then met back up for lunch/beer on the back side of the hill. It was so great to see so many new faces and the usual ski crew.
This year BOMA added an extra event to the day, a ski race! There were quite a few that participated and had a great time. There were 4 prizes that were handed out for the race; fastest man; Trevor Shelly; fastest women; Megan Strickland, most improved time second run male; Mark O’Halloran, most improved time second run female; Megan Strickland.
Once out of the path, the popular sentence was now changed to “I need a beer”. So off to the Kokanee Lounge we went to join with the rest of the BOMA ski enthusiasts. The day ended with a delicious buffet and company from some new and old friends. Another BOMA ski day is in the books and I cannot wait for the next one!
BOMA Member
Submitted on behalf of the Communications Committee